Along for the Ride!

Fair Hill International Newsletter

Diane Trefry’s Endless Support of FHI Recognized

Diane Trefry’s Endless Support of FHI Recognized

Wingman was the position Diane filled when I first knew her as a part of the Fair Hill International (FHI) team in the early ‘90’s. Diane was the indispensable right arm of Lana Wright, shaping the Combined Driving competition for the October Fair Hill International...

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FHI’s 2024 Volunteer of the Year – Beth Diamond

FHI’s 2024 Volunteer of the Year – Beth Diamond

Beth Diamond was selected as FHI's 2024 Volunteer of the Year.  She has helped out at Fair Hill for over 25 years in a wide variety of roles! Beth started volunteering for Fair Hill International in 1999 as a friend of Shirley Carpenter, helping her with the catering...

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Ode to Tim & Nina Gardner, by Ross Peddicord

Ode to Tim & Nina Gardner, by Ross Peddicord

Drs. Nina & Tim Gardner, we all are awed Your love of eventing, family & medicine leaves us enthralled Lives so well-lived and honors galore Your energy is infectious and so much more! First there is Nina, who as a child Loved horses and adventure—not meek or...

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Something’s Afoot at our Elk Creek Driving Competition!

Something’s Afoot at our Elk Creek Driving Competition!

Something’s Afoot at our Elk Creek Driving Competition! Elk Creek gets new organizers. Meet world class drivers Suzy Stafford and Amy Cross. “We’re gonna’ have a Big Classy Show with a LOW KEY Attitude and a BIG HEART!” Our driving competition takes place over three...

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FHI’s secret weapon: Charlie Mann

FHI’s secret weapon: Charlie Mann

FHI's secret weapon: Charlie Mann “Jack of All Trades and Master of Each and Every One" You will recognize Charlie. He is the guy with that long camera lens getting shots of every rider as they go out on the XC course. You may not realize that Charlie has also become...

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Volunteer of the Year – Stacey Blyskal

Volunteer of the Year – Stacey Blyskal

Fair Hill International would like to congratulate our 2023 Volunteers of the Year, Fran Loftus and Stacey Blyskal! They both have received the Bodgie Read Memorial Trophy, which was named after our longtime friend and fearless leader, Bodgie Read. These two ladies...

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Volunteer of the Year – Fran Loftus

Volunteer of the Year – Fran Loftus

Fair Hill International would like to congratulate our 2023 Volunteers of the Year, Fran Loftus and Stacey Blyskal! They both have received the Bodgie Read Memorial Trophy, which was named after our longtime friend and fearless leader, Bodgie Read. These two ladies...

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Green to Gold in Action

Green to Gold in Action

GREEN TO GOLD IN ACTION It's all happening at the Fair Hill International Eventing Festival this April. In the eventing world, a horse and rider team is called green when they are fresh and new to the sport, like spring grass. And while every team may start green,...

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Cross Training at Foxcatcher (continued)

Nick chimed in that nothing beats spending time not only with your horse but also your friends in beautiful locations is a great opportunity. There are lots of prizes to be won such as overall mileage, and the longevity in the sport is amazing with equine athletes...

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Cross Training at Foxcatcher

Cross Training at Foxcatcher

Ride 10, 25 or 50 miles….You Have Got To Be Kidding!! An Interview with Foxcatcher Organizer, Holly McDonald and veterinarian, Nick Kohut Hey there all equestrian enthusiasts! Have you ever considered cross training at our own Foxcatcher Endurance Ride? It is...

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Thoroughbred Incentive Program is here at Fair Hill!

Thoroughbred Incentive Program is here at Fair Hill!

The fastest two minutes in sports is a dream for many race horse owners and trainers. But the brutal reality is that over 3,000 Thoroughbreds will retire each year due to injury or lack of winnings. The Jockey Club, who registers race horses and their breeding,...

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Everything Starts at Fair Hill

Everything Starts at Fair Hill

Alissa Norman, Foxcatcher Endurance Alissa comes to us from Virginia. She grew up in Ithaca, NY but traveled to Virginia Tech for college and never really left the state until moving to Maryland. She started riding when she was 8 and rode in college. Then, she was...

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