Drs. Nina & Tim Gardner, we all are awed
Your love of eventing, family & medicine leaves us enthralled
Lives so well-lived and honors galore
Your energy is infectious and so much more!

First there is Nina, who as a child
Loved horses and adventure—not meek or mild!
From Arkansas to Florida with her beloved mount Sunny
Then to Goucher and Georgetown where she met her honey!

Enter Tim—a star so bright
They fell in love at the Washington Horse Show one fateful night
Both became doctors—pediatrician and heart
Then to Maryland and Johns Hopkins and a family to start

On to the Valley to the hounds and the horses
Nina & Tim are indomitable when they join forces
Four children arrived—Julie, Joby, Emily & Nick
Welcome Here chasers and Thoroughbreds so quick

Then Nina said 3-Day is where it’s at
House Doctor, Cambalda & more beyond that
They met an Aussie–wasn’t Phillip his name?
Onto the Olympics, won Gold and fame

All the while Tim’s expertise did flourish
As a surgeon, administrator and students to nourish
Quoted in “The Times” for all to see
A national leader, America’s thoracic “MD”

Inducted in Medical & Eventing Halls of Fame
They’re not done yet—there’s more of the same
A barnful of homebreds & Twilightslastgleam
Jennie rides them all or so it might seem

Tonight we honor Nina & Tim on that Hill so Fair
That Willie found for us and our horses to share
Nina & Tim—modest, loving & kind—from birth
Living proof, indeed, there are angels on earth!