Wingman was the position Diane filled when I first knew her as a part of the Fair Hill International (FHI) team in the early ‘90’s. Diane was the indispensable right arm of Lana Wright, shaping the Combined Driving competition for the October Fair Hill International event. Hers was a significant undertaking – adding the highest level of Combined Driving competition, the four-in-hand. The additional discipline gave a boost of interest to the already established Eventing Championships. It took hold and rolled on successfully each October for seventeen years, with Diane captaining the ship.

Endurance appeared on the FHI scene in the spring of 2001, with Diane there in full work-mode as Ride Manager and accompanied by her many loyal collaborators with whom she toiled to mark out miles of routes and check-points, known as “holds.” Endurance would join the October festivities from 2002 through 2005, offering a 50- and a 100-mile ride. In 2005, FHI hosted the 100-mile North American Endurance Championship. Diane, of course, was at the center of all preparations and executions.

FHI organizing committees, headed by Diane, for Combined Driving and Endurance continue to present these two popular competitions each spring. Both of these equine sports are excellent “cross pollinators” with Eventing, broadening the FHI offerings.

Diane is a person who might cause one to wonder about the source of her boundless energy, ceaseless good humor, quick repostes, and attention to minute detail. Those very traits contribute to Diane’s organizing the spectacular USEA Young Event Horse East Coast Championships since 2009, beginning during FHI’s October Festival and continuing on during the Maryland 5 Star at Fair Hill.

In addition to her many hours laboring on the ground and organizing behind the scenes, Diane has for decades found the time and energy to participate as an officer of the Board of Directors of Fair Hill International. In her position as Vice-President, Diane made a smooth transition to the Presidency of the Board of Directors last year when FHI’s only President to that point, Trish Gilbert, passed away. Diane served in that most important post unswervingly to finish the year.

As the new year began, Diane decided it was time to take a step back from holding an officer position on the Board. She remains a member of the Board, continues to support our Foxcatcher Endurance Ride and our Elk Creek Driving event, will continue to organize the Young Event Horse competition during the Maryland 5 Star, and continues to do all of the other many, many tasks she has been doing for the last thirty-plus years.

At a recent Board meeting, Diane’s friends presented her with a lovely bouquet of flowers to thank her for her many years as an officer of the Board. We all at FHI so deeply appreciate Diane Trefry’s myriad contributions and her continued presence.

Contributed by Fran Loftus