Elk Creek Registration Payment

Please enter the amount you are required to pay for this event and any additional charges requested by the secretary (Stabling, Non-Member fee, late fee, etc). Please use the NOTES section to let us know what add-ons you are paying for. PayPal will automatically add on a 3% processing fee.  The entry is expected to be paid IN FULL.  You DO NOT need a PayPal account – you may check out as a guest and use a credit card.

Please mail or bring in person to the event the stall deposit check – we will tear it up after the event if your stall is properly stripped. DO NOT include stall deposits in your online payment.

ONE order per entry, please (ie, please PAY SEPARATELY per entry)

Remember to KEEP your order confirmation email that will come from Fair Hill International.  You will be required to include the Order Number and submission date with your entry form so we can cross reference your payment with your entry. (Failure to do so may delay your registration).  Check your SPAM folder if you do not receive an email from Fair Hill International confirming your order.

DOWNLOAD YOUR ENTRY FORM TO EMAIL TO SECRETARY, TOO! All entry info is at https://elkcreekcde.com/

Category: Tag:

Remember to KEEP your order confirmation email that comes from Fair Hill International.  You will be required to include the Order Number and submission date from that order confirmation with your entry form so we can cross reference your payment with your entry.

Online payments are subject to a 3% processing fee.  Thank you for understanding!