Interested in Volunteering?

The success of all our competitions is dependent upon the generosity of many volunteers who give unselfishly of their time, energies and talents. The volunteering effort might be directly horse-related, e.g., jump judging cross-country hazards, or the effort might be clerical, or hospitality related. Some volunteers are young (13-17), some are parenting, some are working part or full-time and some are retired from “real jobs.” Whatever the volunteer’s profile, VOLUNTEERS MAKE IT HAPPEN! Come join us..
Volunteer Opportunities
So much of our volunteer work is behind the scenes, before and after the days of actual competition! Someone must set the courses, layout the arenas, paint the jumps, prepare the paperwork, recruit volunteers, etc. Here are just some of the types of jobs:
- XC jump/hazard painting/decorating
- Event prep
- Volunteer/officials hospitality
- Organizing our equipment barn
- Timing
- Scribing for a judge or vet
- Arena gatekeepers
- Logistics/signage
- Measuring carriage axles
- Judging driving hazards or fences
- Base camp set up
- Social media creation
- Marketing/sponsorship opportunities
- Sign up online at, which is part of the USEA’s Volunteer Incentive Program.
- Email:
- QUESTIONS? Contact volunteer coordinator, Stacey Blyskal, at 302-547-7576 or

In addition to competition-related jobs we will be filling for the Maryland 5 Star at Fair Hill event, we will require several hundred additional volunteers to support the presentation of the overall four-day event. These volunteer “jobs” will be everything from admissions personnel, to ushers, to crossing guards, to point-of-information guides, to courtesy cart drivers, to hospitality hosts. Most of those need no specific horse knowledge. If you are interested in volunteering at the Maryland 5 Star, you can send an inquiry email to vol