1)  Where are you located?

For Recognized Horse Trials:

Day of Event parking is in the field across from the Gallaher competition side.  GPS address: 750 Gallaher Rd, Elkton, MD.  You will take a short hack through the tunnel from parking to competition.  Please do not attempt to cross Gallaher Rd with your horse.  If you need assistance, please visit the Secretary/Office trailer in the parking field.  Dressage will be held in the Main Arena (to your left from the tunnel).  There will be plenty of signage to direct you to Dressage, Show Jumping and Cross Country.

If you have stabled for the event, you can take an approximate 10-15 minute hack to the competition area.  There will be signage to show you the way.  Some riders choose this for their horse prior to dressage.  Most riders choose to drive over and park in the Day of Event parking area.

For the April Unrecognized Horse Trials: 

Please follow the info for the Recognized HT’s.  The difference is…Your XC will take place in Sawmill Field instead of on the Gallaher Rd side.  There will be signage.  Day of Event parking remains the same.

For the June & August Unrecognized Horse Trials:

Stabling, Secretary, and Dressage all take place on the Cecil County Fairgrounds in Fair Hill, Maryland.  Show Jumping and Cross Country are a short hack through the woods, into Sawmill Field.  The address of the Fairgrounds is:  4640 Telegraph Rd, Elkton, MD  21921.  You can use Entrance 1, 2, or 3 to enter the Fairgrounds complex.  Entrance 2 is the safest for large horse trailers and vans. We’ve got a great link (Getting To/Around FHI) on the website to assist you.

2)  Where do I check in?

3)  How do I contact the Event Secretary if I need to scratch or have a question?

All scratches or changes MUST be in writing.  Mary Coldren, the Event Secretary, can be reached at

4)  What do you have for stabling?

There are 120 permanent stalls at the race barns, and we have the ability to add temporary stabling in some of the other buildings on the Fairgrounds complex.  Bedding is STRAW ONLY.  One bale of straw is included with your stall reservation, and you can order additional bales through the Secretary, in advance only.

5)  Where do I park?

For Recognized Horse Trials:

Whether a spectator or a competitor, the GPS address is 750 Gallaher Rd, Elkton, MD and you will follow the appropriate signs from there.  

For the April Unrecognized Horse Trials: 

Same as the Recognized Horse Trials info above.

For the June & August Unrecognized Horse Trials:

Whether a spectator or a competitor, the GPS address is 4640 Telegraph Rd, Elkton, MD. There is plenty of parking available in the field directly surrounding the Race Barns for trailers and cars alike.  This is central to both dressage arenas and convenient to the Sawmill Field.  In the Sawmill Field there is a small parking area close to the Show Jumping area.  Please follow parking signs and only park in designated areas in the Sawmill Field.

6)  Can I bring my dog?

Dogs are welcome!  They must be leashed at all times or owners will be fined $50 per violation by Maryland Department of Natural Resources, and riders will be issued yellow warning cards per USEF rule GR 301.6.

7)  Can I bring my gator/motorbike/scooter/golf cart?

Unfortunately, no.  Cars must be parked in designated areas, motorized vehicles are not allowed to drive through the fields, and you will need to walk the cross country course and walk or drive your car to and from the stabling area.

8)  Can I bring my bicycle?

Absolutely!  That’s the fastest and easiest way for you to get from stabling to the Secretary’s building, and out to the Sawmill Field.  Helmets MUST be worn by all bike riders under the age of 16.

9)  Can spectators attend?

Yes – spectators are welcome to attend any event.

10)  How do I find my ride times?

Ride times will be posted a few days before the event, at THIS LINK.

11)  Where do I find my results?

Results are posted on the website at THIS LINK.

12)  Is there a photographer?

We do have an official photographer.  The link will be posted on the Results Page.

DSCN4243 (1024x699)13)  My mom/dad/sister/brother/significant other is coming with me.  I don’t want them to be bored.  Can they volunteer?

WE WOULD LOVE THAT!  Please sign them up at EventingVolunteers or email and give them our everlasting thanks.  It takes a lot of people to run an event.

14)  Got any local hotel suggestions?

We’ve got a great link on the website (Restaurants and Hotels) to help.